invoice details
- method GET : (GET /obapi/v1/invoice/uuid)
- headers 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + apikey,
listing parameters
- uuid (requierd), uuid of invoice to get
Result will be a list of available invoices
"message": "here is your invoice",
"pdf": "base64 encoded pdf file of invoice",
"barcode_type_code": "",
"barcode_type_coder": "",
"barcode_type_label": "",
"barcode_type": "",
"provided_settlement": "Due upon receipt",
"creditnote_multicurrency_total": "",
"creditnotes_total": "",
"customer_ref": "Abonnement Th\u00e9\/Caf\u00e9",
"date": 1716501600,
"date_delivery_sent": "",
"date_delivery_arrived": "",
"date_payment_due": 1716588000,
"deposit_multicurrency_total": "",
"deposits_total": "",
"uuid": "2800",
"multicurrency_code": "EUR",
"multicurrency_total_ht": "1.00000000",
"multicurrency_total_ttc": "1.20000000",
"multicurrency_total_vat": "0.20000000",
"note": "CreatedFromOnePageBasketRec<br>\nGénéré depuis la facture modèle récurrente ACoffeeAndATea Please ! for Eric SEIGNE (perso) (22 Mai 2024)",
"paid": "1",
"paid_multicurrency_total": "",
"paid_total": "",
"ref": "FA2405-2401",
"remaintopay": "",
"discount_absolute": "",
"discount_percent": "",
"retained_warranty": "0",
"retained_warranty_provided_settlement": "",
"retained_warranty_date_payment_due": "",
"shipping_method": "",
"situation_cycle_ref": "",
"situation_final": "1",
"status": "2",
"total_ht": "1.00000000",
"total_paid": "",
"total_ttc": "1.20000000",
"total_vat": "0.20000000",
"transport_mode": "",
"lines": [
"barcode_type_code": "",
"barcode_type_coder": "",
"barcode_type_label": "",
"barcode_type": "",
"provided_settlement": "",
"creditnote_multicurrency_total": "",
"creditnotes_total": "",
"customer_ref": "",
"date": "",
"date_delivery_sent": "",
"date_delivery_arrived": "",
"date_payment_due": "",
"deposit_multicurrency_total": "",
"deposits_total": "",
"uuid": "5430",
"multicurrency_code": "EUR",
"multicurrency_total_ht": "0.50000000",
"multicurrency_total_ttc": "0.60000000",
"multicurrency_total_vat": "0.10000000",
"note": "",
"paid": "",
"paid_multicurrency_total": "",
"paid_total": "",
"remaintopay": "",
"discount_absolute": "",
"discount_percent": "0",
"retained_warranty": "",
"retained_warranty_provided_settlement": "",
"retained_warranty_date_payment_due": "",
"shipping_method": "",
"situation_cycle_ref": "",
"situation_final": "",
"status": "",
"total_ht": "0.50000000",
"total_paid": "",
"total_ttc": "0.60000000",
"total_vat": "0.10000000",
"transport_mode": ""
"customer": {
"address": "xxxxxxxxx",
"barcode": "",
"barcode_type_code": "",
"barcode_type_coder": "",
"barcode_type": "",
"civility": "",
"country_code": "FR",
"language": "fr_FR",
"email": "xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx",
"fax": "",
"firstname": "",
"uuid": "xxxxx",
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"idprof6": "",
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"name": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"name_alternate": "",
"note": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"phone": "xxxxxx",
"state": "xxxxx",
"status": "1",
"town": "xxxxxx",
"vat_number": "",
"website": "https:xxxxxx",
"zipcode": "xxxxx"
"supplier": {
"address": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"barcode": "",
"barcode_type_code": "",
"barcode_type_coder": "",
"barcode_type": "",
"civility": "",
"country_code": "xxx",
"language": "fr_FR",
"email": "",
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"uuid": 0,
"idprof1": "844431239",
"idprof2": "844 431 239 00012",
"idprof3": "6202A",
"idprof4": "NIMES",
"idprof5": "",
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"logo": "xxxxxxxx",
"currency_code": "",
"name": "CAP-REL",
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"note": "",
"phone": "+33698744401",
"state": "Gard",
"status": 1,
"town": "Saint Christol Les Al\u00e8s",
"vat_number": "",
"website": "",
"zipcode": "30380"