Here is the first POC : i've build a obapi server on Dolibarr ERP and a fast client command line (in php):

11:24 $ php 02-get_invoices_listing.php
Connexion sur votre serveur obapi:

Liste de vos factures :
| UUID | Ref         | Date       | Label                                  | HT           | TTC          | Status |
| 54   | FA1912-0053 | 2019-12-12 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 57   | FA2001-0002 | 2020-01-22 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 60   | FA2001-0004 | 2020-01-31 |                                        | ...12 500,00 | ...15 000,00 | payed  |
| 62   | FA2002-0006 | 2020-02-21 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 67   | FA2003-0011 | 2020-03-19 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 70   | FA2004-0014 | 2020-04-18 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 77   | FA2005-0021 | 2020-05-19 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 81   | FA2006-0025 | 2020-06-18 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 99   | FA2012-0041 | 2020-12-06 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 850  | FA2209-0646 | 2022-09-09 |                                        | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |
| 1081 | FA2212-0842 | 2022-12-06 | Accompagnement technique Novembre 2022 | ....1 527,00 | ....1 832,40 | payed  |

That result could be the same with standard Dolibarr API but my obapi client could be used agains others obapi compatible providers without any changes ...

So let me try with an other obapi compatible webservice (other than dolibarr: is not a dolibarr instance):

12:59 $ php 02-get_invoices_listing.php
Connexion sur votre serveur obapi:

Liste de vos factures :
| UUID     | Ref      | Date       | Label    | HT           | TTC          | Status  |
| 10215488 | 01025488 | 2022-11-05 | Nov.2022 | ........9,99 | .......11,99 | payed   |
| 10215496 | 01025496 | 2022-12-05 | Dec.2022 | ........9,99 | .......11,99 | payed   |
✔ ~/dev/obapi/client-php [master L|✚ 1…1]

well done !